Downfall of KRS?

Last Saturday was our school's co-curriculum day, but it was more than that to me and all the form 5 krs members: it was the last day for us to have krs activity. Before that day, we all have high hopes and expectations. We wanted to have fun and enjoy our last time together as krs member but it turned out to be a disaster. The future-to-be leaders for krs were all very ego, disrespectful and messy. They thought they can control all the seniors once their ranks were higher than us. But there is one thing that they do not know: we are the ones who brought them up form zero to hero. We only wanted to enjoy the day for once and for all and only that but they had destroyed our hopes. We were disappointed for their performance on that day. I sincerely hope they can change their habit and behavior...

Do not let this be the downfall of KRS!!!
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2 Responses
  1. eMeRLyN Says:

    the good we take, the bad we leave. I myself oso not whether i can just simply leave it. all of us r upset too, but if we cant change this, well, we will have to forget it. We will soon leave the place that will be no longer belong to us...rmb?

  2. ~YaNg YanG~ Says:

    Still quite a long way to go but we will see first. I'm looking forward to see their improvement in both attitude and ways to handle krs better. Still I will stress that respecting seniors are the most importnat part...if they do not learn to respect us, other juniors will never respect them next year...