Another Farewell BBQ Party

Last Friday night, the Methodist Chinese Society(CS) held a farewell party for all the form 5 Chinese students. That day, I went there with my friends to have fun since it was free for all form 5 including me. The party started with all form 5 doing work... =.=" We arranged the place and prepared the stove for BBQ. Finally, the party started at about 7.30... The party was not as joyous as I anticipated. Our CS teacher often asked us to do works. It pissed of many of us when he said we did not do anything but watch when we did every thing we could help with. So, the atmosphere was strange but fortunately there were other form's students which helped to cheer up the place. At about 10.30 p.m., the party ended. Also, we, the form 5 were required to do works again. We cleaned up the place quickly took a few photos and went home. Hopefully our CS teacher would know that what he did to us form 5 even at the farewell party which we were supposed to enjoy ourselves and do better next time... @.@

Me and Fei Lou~
Chew me and Fei Lou~~
Boys~Cheese~Big photo~~
Last year in CS brings much memories even though many were bad ones (scolded by Mr. Chong)
Hopefully CS will improve next year~~
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