Desire To... Read!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I feel a surge of desire. A desire to read storybooks! Yeah, I know it sounds crazy but I really feel like getting myself a nice storybook and sit down to read it. So, just now I went to my room and searched for any storybooks that I bought but didn't managed to read. To my surprise, there were actually quite a number of storybooks that I didn't read which I bought a long time ago. Well, its not only me that bought all of them. Some of the books were bought by my sister. So, I just piled them up and wait for tomorrow to start reading! I'd better start finishing them because I have a list of storybooks that I really want to read right now. ^_^ Speaking of reading, I really want to thank nickvl, a recommer that sent me a copy of Dan Brown's newest novel, The Lost Symbol. I'm a Dan Brown fan. I fell in love with his books ever since I started reading Da Vinci Code. His books are just too fantastic and I was fascinated by the way he plotted the stories. Despite the similar storyline, I actually liked all of his books. Thanks nickvl, I really appreciate it since this book is so expensive when it's released last year.

Beside reading storybooks, I found myself actually spending quite a long time playing piano pieces in these few days. Yiruma's piano pieces are my favorites. They're just so soothing and well played. I played a few of his pieces before, nevertheless, there're still some that I never heard before. So, I just spend some time listening to his pieces while surfing the net. What a genius to create such nice pieces! Hopefully he can make more piano pieces in future. Well, thats all for now. Gonna go bath and get some sleep now. I'll update myself next time. =)

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