Digging Up Old Unposted Article

Friday, February 12, 2010
Its been long since I've been active to update my blog. Now, I'll post a series of updates on my life and the big days coming really soon. Here's the post I typed quite a long time ago but forgot to post it. After some digging up, I accidentally found it and so here I am, posting this article to share with everyone else.

In our lives, we will come to a point when we will have to make decisions on what we want to do in our future. Its crucial for one to make this decision correctly because if this matter is taken lightly, one might regret the choice he/she made later in future and for the rest of his/her lives. Did I sound too serious? Well, it should be. Unfortunately, this decision has to be made while we are still teenagers, which is why this matter is a headache to many students in Malaysia. Although there are some minorities that actually knows what they want to do, there are actually many that do not know what they actually want to do in future despite some of them knowing the subjects they liked the most while others have absolutely no idea what they liked and what they want to pursue in their future endeavour.

Well, if you ask me, among all the subjects I took and studied for spm, my favorite will be additional mathematics, physics and chemistry. So, automatically my choice of career will be engineering. After doing some research on engineering, I found out that many people say engineering courses are for people that like to solve problems. However, I am not sure whether I like to solve problems or not but I'd prefer engineering over medicine, art, agriculture etc which leaves me no choice other than engineering. So, I guess this is it. This will be my choice and no regrets!

Well, Chinese New Year and Valentines day is just around the corner. I wish every chinese a happy chinese new year, every student a happy holiday and every couple a happy valentines day. Cheers. =)
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